Our partners

YAMA is…




But YAMA also has a need for support, especially funding.

In order to continuously improve the project, diversify the trips and the learnings for as many people as possible, we are looking for financial sponsors, to help us make this project economically sustainable, and make it happen every year.

 Dans l’objectif d’une amélioration continue du projet et de la diversification des séjours et des enseignements pour un plus grand nombre, nous sommes à la recherche de financements pour pérenniser le projet et le mettre en œuvre tous les ans.

Are you interested in exchanges programs and intercultural projects?

Would you like to finance a project with a direct and continuous impact on vulnerable population?

Do you find interesting to mix refugees and French youth?

Are you simply curious to know what we have in store for next summer?

We’ll be glad to chat with you!

YAMA 2024 only needs you!

A huge thanks to all who already trusted in us, without whom we could not have achieved such great results: